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Fiberoptic Connector Measuring Interferometers
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Use the following contact numbers and addresses to get in touch with DORC® sales, service and support. International customers - please contact your local representative listed under Global Sales.

Postal address:
Direct Optical Research Company
8725 115th Avenue North
Largo, FL 33773
Electronic mail:
General Information and Sales: sales@dorc.com
Customer Support: support@dorc.com

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Patent Numbers: 5,459,564, 6,215,555, 6,718,099 and 9,014,528. Additional Patent(s) Pending.

Copyright© 1992-2025, Direct Optical Research Company
DORC® is a Registered Trademark of Direct Optical Research Company
Last modified: February 15th, 2025 

Tel: (727) 319-9000 
DORC®, 8725 115th Avenue North, Largo, FL  33773  USA

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